Taking Years off Those Windows to the World — Your Eyes

The eyes have it. While this is a take on the usual “ayes have it” from parliamentary procedure, it is really true — the eyes do have it. When asked, most people say the eyes are the first thing they notice when meeting another person.

Unfortunately, the skin around the eyes is prone to aging. This is because the skin in this area is very thin and it easily shows signs of sun damage and general sagging. Plus, fat deposits, loosening skin, and other issues can leave a person with droopy, sagging, puffy, wrinkled skin around the eyes, and with it, a much older appearance.

Eyelid surgery with Dr. Snodgrass or Dr. Robinson can take up to a decade off of your facial age. You can have this procedure done on just the upper or lower eyelids or both at the same time. It is a satisfying procedure that doesn’t involve a difficult recovery.

Would blepharoplasty help me?

The clinical term for eyelid surgery is blepharoplasty. It is a popular procedure with both women and men. Eyelid surgery can help you if you have a hooded or droopy upper eyelid. If the upper eyelid is actually sagging to the degree it is impinging upon your vision, health insurance may cover the procedure, as it is no longer deemed aesthetic. On the lower eyelid, the focus is often puffiness and under eye bags.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery can be performed on both eyelids or singly, depending on your personal condition. Because of this, surgery can run anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours.

Blepharoplasty is a delicate surgery that involves small incisions. In upper eyelid surgery, a small incision is made in the natural crease of the eyelid. This makes the incision virtually invisible. We then tighten the muscle tissue, reposition the fat, and remove excess skin. Special attention is paid to the fat because removing too much fat can leave a hollowed out appearance.

In the lower eyelid, the incision is usually made just below the lower eyelash. An alternative location can be making the incision inside the lower lid, removing any visible scarring. Excess skin is removed to lessen wrinkles, bags, and general puffiness in this area.

Subtle results

Every year this is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world. That’s probably because it provides very satisfying results, and the results are not showy. Unless you tell them you’ve had this surgery, most people will have no idea. They’ll just know your face looks somehow younger and you look more alert.

Georgians love blepharoplasty with Dr. Robinson and Dr. Snodgrass. Call us at (706) 378-0200 and set up a consultation. We’ll show you some of our prior patients and you’ll see how this can rejuvenate your face.

Posted in: Facelift & Eyelids

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